Best Rhino Air Hockey Table For Sale (Reviews & Guide)

Rhino air hockey table is not the most popular brand of hockey tables, but they do provide a good quality game table. I am sure you haven’t heard of the Rhino brand, but I am also sure you have heard of its parent company called the Escalade Sports. Escalade Sports is a company which owns other game table brands like Harvard or Atomic, so you can expect the similar level of quality of the Rhino air hockey table models as the tables from them.

The brand is far more popular in the pool table category and they don’t produce that much air hockey models as the pool table models so I want to show you the most popular tables made by Rhino.

As you can assume by now, Rhino brand air hockey tables aren’t commercial air hockey table models, but they can still provide you a good time to >play air hockey. They only produce big tables which means that you can’t buy a Rhino kid’s table or tabletop air hockey table. If that is not any problem for you then I suggest you take a look at two most popular Rhino hockey tables:

Best Rhino Air Hockey Table Models

Rhino 8-foot Air Hockey Table

The first model I want to show you is actually pretty big hockey table which means it is big enough to fit 4 players on the playing field. The overall design of the table is simple, it is made in a black and gray combination and the only thing that stands out of the table is the scoring system located above the playing field. The smooth-playing field is made in white color with a simple red graphic which resembles the ice hockey arena.

Rhino 8-foot Air Hockey Table

The playing surface on the table is made of Formica so you can expect a certain level of durability on it, even better than on other PVC surfaces. The electronic scoring system above the field has many options you can set on it. You can activate the sound, the timer or you can even turn the scoring system off if you want. The legs on the table are connected and they will make sure that this heavy-duty game table stays in one place during the most aggressive match. When I say heavy-duty game table I really mean it because of the entire table weights about 270 pounds.

Rhino 7.5-foot Air Hockey Table

The second model worth mentioning is a beast like the model above, it is 7.5 feet long and it is made for 4 players because it comes with 4 pushers and 4 pucks. The entire table actually looks pretty heavy-duty because it has a big construction with short but stable legs. I am absolutely sure you can’t move this table that easily no matter how hard and aggressive you want to play.

Rhino 7.5-foot Air Hockey Table

This Rhino 7.5 air hockey table is made with care, it has an aluminum rail around the smooth playing field to keep the puck on the field. The dual motors are producing stable and strong airflow which is more than enough to keep the puck moving all over the field. If you aren’t sure where you want to put the table you don’t have to worry about the floor quality because the table comes with leg levelers which will make sure that the playing surface is straight.

CONCLUSION: Rhino Air Hockey Models – Good Quality, but Hard to Find

As I have already mentioned, the Rhino air hockey table models aren’t the most popular ones and don’t be surprised if you experience difficulties in locating one. That is why I want to show you Atomic Air Hockey Table models which are similar to the Rhino air hockey tables and they are both parts of the Escalade Sports, which means they are similar in the quality too.

If you are interested in checking out other high-quality air hockey tables on the market, visit my post about top rated air hockey games. On the other hand, if you want to know more about air hockey table maintenance or even basic rules for playing air hockey table, visit my post about Air Hockey Gameplay.